2023 Giving Tree Project
The Giving Tree Project places fully decorated Christmas Trees in the homes of Veterans in need.
We need your decoration donations to make it possible.
Ready for Decoration Saturday, November 25th.
Twenty trees are at their business foster sites and ready for public decorating.
Giving Trees can be identified by the green or red tree shaped poem tied to the boughs.
Last Day to Decorate Monday, December 11th
Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV)
Giving Tree decoration angels (you) are encouraged to place your ornaments and tree trimming on the trees.
New, handmade, or ornaments and tree trimmings with previous tree experience are accepted.
These tiny 3 to 5 foot trees stand outside and are exposed to the
elements, ornaments, or cards should be placed in sealed plastic bags.
Donations & Toy Drive
Toy Collection for Veterans
Ages Pre-K to 13
Tree stands, large ornaments, and tree trimming ,and toy donations
can be dropped off at:
Gary’s First Class Car Care at 366 Highway 7 in Excelsior.
Excelsior Fire Station #1, 24100 Smithtown Road, Shorewood
Items are accepted all year round.
What Can Be Donated
All donations must be in good condition, gently used, and not soiled.
Items Accepted
Please no candles
How You Can Help
How Your Organization Can Adopt a Tree to Decorate
Important Dates
Twenty trees will be at their business foster sites and ready for public decorating by Saturday, November 25, 2023
Trees will be picked up for Veterans on Tuesday, December 12th between 6:00 am-Noon.
To Be Added To Our Event List
To be added to our event mailing list or the Giving Tree Project mailing list contact Kellie with your information and indicate which list you would like to be placed on. We can mail or e-mail mail you the information. The Excelsior Fire District does not sell or share our lists.
Contact Kellie at 952-960-1692 or e-mail at kmurphyringate@excelsiorfire.org
Dunn Brothers Coffee
11 Water Street
Excelsior Bay Books
36 Water Street
Lakes Area Realty
37 Water Street
40 Water Street
The Vintage Loft
434 Second Street
212 Water Street
Re/Max Advantage Plus
216 Second Street
Lake Effect
219 Water Street
Amore & Fede
226 Water Street
Excelsior Eye Care
228 Water Street
239 Water Street
Ooh La La
274 Water Street
266 Water Street
The Guest House
371 Water Street
Excelsior Real Estate
386 Oak Street
State Farm Insurance
378 Oak Street
Excelsior Paint and Design
701 Highway 7
Gary’s First Class Car Care
366 Highway 7
Minnesota Inboard
720 Galpin Lake Road
Becoming a Foster Site
Great News, the 2023 Giving Trees all have Foster Sites.
If have a business in downtown Excelsior and you would like be a Giving Tree Foster Site in the future, call Kellie at 952-960-1692 or e-mail at kmurphyringate@excelsiorfire.orgto be placed on the waiting list.
Pick Up Date
Trees will be picked up by Ridgewood Church Volunteers on Saturday, December 12th .