South Lake Minnetonka Memorial Day Event
Monday, May 29, 2023 (7:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (CDT)
South Lake Minnetonka Excelsior, Deephaven, Greenwood, Shorewood & Tonka Bay Memorial Day 2023 Graveside Services
7:30 a.m. at Woodside Cemetery
8:00 a.m. at Resurrection Cemetery
9:00 a.m. at Groveland Cemetery
Memorial Day Program
10:00 a.m. Excelsior Elementary School 441 Oak Street, Excelsior, MN 55331
Memorial Day Parade
11:00 a.m. Starts at Water Street and County Road 19
Follow the parade to the Oak Hill Cemetery by walking behind the last EFD Fire Truck. Parade Length: 1 mile
NOTICE to Veterans
The community would be delighted if you could join us by participating in the Memorial Day Events, including the parade. If you need to ride in a vehicle for the parade, please let us know.
Honoring the Veteran in Your Life
Family and friends of veterans are invited to honor their veteran in the parade. Carry pictures, posters, banners, mementos from their life, uniforms, and flags.
Scouts Troops
Scouts invited to walk in the parade and present a memorial at the Civil War Memorial at Oak Hill Cemetery Graveside Ceremony 11:30 a.m. Oak Hill Cemetery Excelsior 21 Gun Salute, Taps, Presenting Memorials at the War Memorial, and EFD Flag Folding
Social Gathering and Luncheon Immediately following the ceremony
Clarence Clofer Post 259 24450 Smithtown Road, Shorewood, MN 55331
Parade Participants, Please RSVP at kelliemr@msn.com or call/text 952-217-2351
South Lake Memorial Day Information and Guidelines
- Parade Route
- Parade Line Up
- Oak Hill Ceremony Layout
Memorial Day Parade Participant Information
Check in with Parade Coordinatoor, Kellie Murphy Ringate
Kellie Murphy-Ringate
Call or Text 952-217-2351
I will be on site at 9:30 am.
Parade Line Up : 10:15 a.m.
Location: Excelsior Elementary Parking Lot
441 Oak Street, Excelsior. MN 55331
See your line up location on the attached map.
Parade Start: 11:00 a.m.
There will be a Flyover during the parade. The time is approximately 11:20 am. The South Lake Minnetonka Police Department Escort will pace the parade.
Parade Route: The mile long parade route starts at Water Street and County Road 19, goes down Water Street, takes a right on Lake Street, then a left on Excelsior Blvd and ends at Oak Hill Cemetery.
Participants are encouraged to carry banners or flags.
Guidelines and Tid Bits
Driver of vehicles are asked to be a type of Sag Wagon. Please keep a watchful eye on veterans and other parade participants that are walking the parade route. If you observe someone struggling to walk, please as safely as possible stop and pick them up.
Parade participants walking the route and in other vehicle, be aware that the vehicles in front of you may stop to pick up someone struggling to walk in the parade.
Drivers of all vehicles in the parade areas must possess a valid driver’s license, be at least 21 years old, and possess all liability vehicle insurance.
Scout Pack 345 will be handing out American Flags to the crowd along the parade route before and during the parade. While supplies last.
Throwing of candy or any object from parade participants and/or vehicles will not be allowed.
No advertising, election or political literature, signs, and /or banners can be displayed during the parade.
Space between units/groups should be 5-10 feet.
It is the responsibility of parents with children participating in the parade to make all necessary arrangements to have children met and picked up.
Parade participants are asked to supply their own drinking water and snacks if needed.
Please dress appropriately for walking on asphalt, a dirt road, and grassy areas.
Prepare for changing weather cold, heat, or rain.
Weather forecast as of 5-20-2024
Check the weather the morning before the events begins.
If the forecast is for rain, provide your own umbrellas.
Rain gear tip: Large plastic bags used for yard waste or large garbage cans are easy to convert into raincoats.
The decision to postpone or cancel mid-morning outdoor Memorial Day events, including the parade will be made at 9:45 am.
The committee will do it best to reach out to the main contact of your group with updates.
Scout troops, groups, and organizations, please let the people, parents, and participants in your group know that you are the designated contact for weather related updates and to refrain from reaching out to the committee members or me separately.
For weather updates follow the link below to the South Lake Memorial Day Events.
This link can be accessed for Facebook and non-Facebook users.
Parade End
The parade will end at Oak Hill Cemetery.
There is now an Enter and Exit for the Cemetery Road. Enter the West side of the Oak Hill Cemetery Drive and exit out the East.
Police and Fire are on the East side of the road.
Refer too the attached Oak Hill Cemetery Layout for details.
If your group is staying for the Graveside Ceremony, please gather anywhere along the edges of the lower level of the cemetery.
Honoring the Veteran in Your Life
Participants that want to honor the Veteran in their life can carry pictures, posters, banners, mementoes from their Veteran, uniforms, and flags.
This year Scout Troop 424 will carry a banner that identifies the Friends and Family of Veterans section of the parade.
Presenting Memorials at Oak Hill Cemetery
Persons and/or groups and organizations can present a token of honor to enduring memory memorials during the Graveside Service at Oak Hill Cemetery.
People have placed wreaths, bouquets of flowers, plants, creative flag arrangements, drawings, and bags filled with Thank You notes to Veterans at the War Monument.
Presenting the Memorials
Boone Day, the Commanders will ask all branches or the military , organizations within the American Legion and VFW, the Excelsior Fire District, and South Lake Police Department
to present memorial individually.
After the individual Memorials are laid at the War Monument, Boone Day, will ask “all others that would like to present, please come forward” that
is when all other groups and individuals Scouts can lay/present their memorial at the War Monument.
Persons that would like to set a Memorial at the War Monument to honor their Veteran in their life can also do so at that time.
Social Gathering and Luncheon
Complementary food and beverage
Immediately following the ceremony
Clarence Clofer Post 259
24450 Smithtown Road, Shorewood, MN 55331
Tour of historic Oak Hill Cemetery
Scott McGinnis from the Excelsior-Lake Minnetonka Historical Society will present a walking tour of Historic Oak Hill Cemetery following the Memorial Day Ceremony.

Excelsior, MN 55331 United States